Inc.Ubate Coworking: June Events at Inc.Ubate

6/8/19: Town-wide Yard Sale
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Members will be participating in the Winthrop Chamber of Commerce Town-wide Yard Sale. We will have the door open and be packed with stuff. Come on down to sell or shop.
6/8/19: One Love Street Party
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Take a walk down to Somerset Ave to join our celebration of so many friends, colleagues, and family members during Pride Week.! There will be music, kids activities (rock painting, chalk, bubbles), freebies (stickers, temporary tattoos), a fun photo booth and colorful smoothie bowls by Makai Blends.
Inc.ubate is hosting a photo booth in our whiteboard room, so bring your colors and your pride to celebrate.
Facebook Event Page
Member Highlight + Open House
Thursday, June 13
7 p.m.- 9 p.m.
New member Harrison Hodson, a SignRequest rep & Videographer, will demonstrate SignRequest, a rapidly growing electronic document signing option.
Harrison, originally from San Diego, California, is a 25-year-old digital nomad who spent the last year traveling around the world. In March, he teamed up with an Amsterdam-based start-up company called SignRequest. SignRequest, an electronic document signing provider founded in 2014, has now served over 1,000,000 users worldwide. With a growing percentage of customers coming from the United States and Canada, SignRequest saw a need for a native English-speaker to work the North American time zones. Harrison is currently the customer support and sales representative for North America.
On another note, Harrison is a freelance videographer and video editor. Harrison started this as a passion and hobby in high school and has advanced to creating professional content for companies all over the world. He has had a particular interest in travel destinations, real estate, and art. Fun Fact: Harrison is a licensed free-fall photographer who has completed over 500 skydives.
Come get a demo and learn all about what Harrison does here at Inc.ubate!
Member Lunch
Thursday, June 27th
Noon-2 p.m.
Join us for a fun afternoon of networking and getting updates on the space.